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Boolean Logic to Build Mobiles and Tablets including the NAND gate - NAND flash memory is what modern mobile devices are made from

At Nigg and Ardisier in the Scottish Highlands welding happens in connection with oil rigs - the manufacuturing and soldering of smartphones and tablets could enable a more sustainable, brighter future distribute the manufacture of such essential devices across the world - Inside a CPU or computer processor - the original design by Babbage father of the computer, Boolean Logic to Build Mobiles and Tablets including the NAND gate - NAND flash memory is what modern mobile devices are made from and Floating point representation useful for going into orbit also Booleon Algebra for Electrical Circuits - AND, OR, NOT, XOR and NAND gates

Inside a CPU or computer processor - the original design by Babbage father of the computer

Diagrams were drawn based on messy handwritting of Aberdeen College lecturer Chrissie Williams for subject Computer Architecture around 2000-2001. These diagrams are actually originally drawn, an individual creative effort.

Boolean Logic to Build Mobiles and Tablets including the NAND gate - NAND flash memory is what modern mobile devices are made from

It is important to acknowledge that there is Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 and section 28 allows for fair dealing and rights to copy 10 percent of works. Intellectual property and copyright apply to original works.

The below JPEG images are from Maths for Computer and originally handed out to Aberdeen College students during 2001 before actually smartphones and also tablets were incepted, designed and developed - certainly no smartphones and tablets running NAND flash memory which stores data offline and when devices are off were on the go in marketplaces before this point. Educators do really need to be ahead of their time.

Aberdeen College is no longer on the go - it rebranded as North East of Scotland College and also in respect of copyright works, it is important to acknowledge creators or organisations, but also it is important to recognise significant public value in sharing information which could prove useful and helpful.

There is still big issues around those doing paid job roles copying information to pass onto young people from work created by people who have not profited rather than being creative and creating original works. The image files below have been retained by someone who has not benefited financially and is sharing them for free for wider public benefit.

Floating point representation useful for going into orbit

Booleon Algebra for Electrical Circuits - AND, OR, NOT, XOR and NAND gates